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Effortlessly elegant

A Chat with Milly

Get to know the White Coco staff by reading these interviews that we'll be having on a regular basis...

By White Coco
March 7, 2024

Chat No 4 - Milly

Meet Miss Milly of March!

Milly is one of our very new White Coco recruits, based in our Hungerford shop. She joined the team just before Christmas last year when we realised that the impending, bigger, new shop opening would mean we needed far more girls on the floor, as it were. Milly has hit the ground running and is vigorously putting together a great schedule for shop-held events. She maybe new to the team but on the basis she knows virtually everyone within a 15-mile radius of Hungerford, it already feels as though she's been here for a lot longer.....in a good way, Milly!

She's a busy girl as she also squeezes in playing a pretty major role organising events for the military charity "Walking with the Wounded". We caught up with her recovering from spending a night in heels at an event in the City before pulling on her wellies to take her dog for a walk...

Milly! Welcome to the world of White Coco. How have the last three months been since you stepped through the door?

Well, I'm beginning to wonder what I did for a fix of feelgood factor before I joined! The new shop in Hungerford is so uplifting and joyful. I'm loving all things "White Coco" - whatever mood I'm in when I arrive, I can't fail to be happy in here. Every day is enjoyable and I'm loving interacting with the customers.

You've two jobs at the moment but tell us about the first one you ever had

I was employed by this extraordinary and crazy man (who shall remain nameless) and found myself tipped into the hedonistic world of Formula 1, the World Darts Championship & Miss World contest! You could say I was worldly wise after that little lot. The Darts was by far the most fun!

Which leads us on to your "other job". Tell us about that

I work for the brilliant military charity "Walking with the Wounded". We run some wonderful drinks and dinners all over the country. I love it...it's immensely satisfying helping to raise money & awareness for such a worthwhile cause

So you need to look "respectable" for the parties you organise then! Is there something from the current White Coco collection that you've your eye on for these events?

Definitely! As soon as the Edwina dresses arrived from Paris, I was in that changing room before you could say "Oo la la". I adore the green version - it's one of those dresses that involves no effort to wear, yet looks very elegant.

You must need a bit of confidence to organise and pull off these large events. Is there anything you would say to your 12 year-old self if you could?

Yes, I would tell her to believe in herself - if she believes, then everyone else will too and she can literally run the world! Also, I would tell her that education is for a reason and to keep reading to educate herself.

So, when you're not working, what does your downtime look like? Sundays for example?

Sundays start with a black coffee, thickly-spread butter & homemade marmalade on toasted sourdough and then, I'm afraid, I loose myself in The Mail on Sunday and You magazine! If one or more of my boys are home we love cooking a Sunday roast together after a long trip to the pub with local friends

You don't look like you indulge in too much thickly-spread butter. How do you keep fit?

That's what my dog is for! I go for long walks with her (I love being outdoors), I clean my house with vigour, I run up & down those stairs to the stock room at White Coco ...oh and every now and again I play a bad game of tennis

So, the Great Outdoors beckons this month with Cheltenham Races taking place - will you be going?

I love the Cheltenham Festival so yes! And I've already decided I'm wearing the Augusta Jacket which looks so much more expensive than it is. I'm going to team it with the vibrant Molly Wrap (and hope I don't scare the horses with those neon embroidered flowers!) and also the suede Elba phone bag - perfect for those race day essentials.

Both your choices of White Coco outfits look great on you and your skin looks in fab condition. Spill the beans...do you have a favourite beauty product you'd like to share?

Anything from Beauty Pie really - best club I've ever joined! I used to have tricky skin

Well, they say your skin reflects what you eat so let's chat about that. Would you rather cook supper or go out?

Definitely cook for friends at home...you can drink for a start!

Talking of drinking...had any excruciatingly embarrassing moments?

Oh gosh yes. Loads. But I'm sharing none here...mainly because I can't remember most of them

How about quieter times? What book is beside your bed at the moment?

"The Secret Beach" by the lovely Victoria Henry. She launched what is her latest novel, in the White Coco shop this week - it was such a pleasure to meet her and the book is a great read

Best holiday destination?

Abruzzo in Italy where we have a lovely farmhouse on a beautiful hillside. It's my idea of heaven - we take groups of friends out there and I always insist everyone dresses up each evening. We've impressed and shocked the local farmers in equal measure!

Favourite place to eat in London?

I have a London friend who's a great cook - so at her house!

Favourite place to eat outside London?

The Funghi Club in Hungerford & Marlborough. Love it.

Desert Island Disc?

Anything from "Saturday Night Fever"

Three things you just couldn't live without?

Friends, good dining & animals...oh and these gorgeous "Esmeralda" earrings that we are selling in the shop!

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Don't write harsh words down - always talk

Room 101?

Aspic jelly

Guilty Pleasure?

Scotch Eggs

Thanks for chatting, Milly and it was good to get to know you. Have fun at the races, we hope you come home up on the day and that aspic jelly isn't served for lunch (pop a scotch egg in that suede phone bag before you leave home, just in case)